What is ACE confirmation test?

  • ACE confirmation test is used to confirm the accuracy of a test result. It provides a comparison with the performance on the initial completed ACE test, ensuring that the result is reliable.
  • ACE confirmation test is given under supervision and can be completed within 15 minutes (on average 7 minutes).
  • As with ACE, the confirmation test is based on Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT), allowing a precise measurement based on a minimal number of items.
  • ACE-confirm computes the likelihood that a person’s ACE-test was a valid representation of the person’s true score. You do not an actual score with the ACE-confirm and such a number is not computed or stored anywhere. For example, a likely scenario is that a person, who scored 5 on the ACE-test and then afterwards gets a negative results from the ACE-confirm, will do worse than 5 on a future ACE-test.
  • If ACE-confirm is positive it means that the person did the same or better than predicted by the first ACE-test. If ACE-confirm suggest a new test and ACE-test is negative, it means that the person did significantly worse than in the original ACE-test.