How do we use AI in Master International?

It's all about ensuring high quality psychometrical solutions while also being curious to new technological possibilities.

There are various areas, where it can be relevant to incorporate Generative AI, and at the same time this technology has a risk of introducing inconveniences to our solutions and products. Therefore we are very aware of places to incorporate AI, and where the technology is still too immature. 
Adaptive Technology incorporated in Master's solutions
At Master International, we are committed to ongoing tech development and the intelligent integration of AI advancements to enrich our assessment solutions. Our approach blends cutting-edge technology with the precision and reliability of expert occupational psychologists. Our assessments and reports are meticulously crafted by expert occupational psychologists and psychometricians, ensuring unparalleled accuracy and reliability. Each assessment is rigorously validated by internationally recognized accrediting organizations. We pride ourselves on integrating technology without compromising the human expertise that defines our high standards. This means, we refrain from implementing Generative AI to our tests and our reports, as the current state of this technology can introduce unforeseen psychometrical disadvantages to the actual tests and reports themselves.
Current Initiatives and AI Utilization
Tests: We incorporate advanced psychometric methodologies like Item Response Theory (IRT) and Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) into our assessments, offering a personalized testing journey that mimics the adaptive nature of AI. Tests using CAT, have questions adapting dynamically to previous responses, making every test seem unique and tailored to the individual, also enhancing the analysis, accuracy, and efficiency of the assessments. The accuracy means a reduced test length, and candidates only answering questions relevant to their ability level. This results in shorter but still highly reliable assessments. Tests using IRT confirms validation and calibration of items to improve the quality and robustness of assessments. Questions are calibrated to reduce cultural or demographic biases and overall this psychometrical approach ensures more precise and efficient tests. 
Reports: Each report at Master International is personalized using advanced algorithms, combining individual scores with tailored texts that reflect unique performance insights. These algorithms deliver the same personalized experience as AI, ensuring test-takers receive bespoke feedback crafted to their specific profile. This enhances the candidate experience making the report customised to the specific person. From a user perspective using a database of score-specific texts in stead of texts constructed each time by Generative AI, facilitates the practical usage as a company user and enables the valuable comparison of candidates. 
Platform: We are actively exploring ways to integrate Genrative AI, such as Large Language Models (LLMs), into our platform. This integration will offer additional support to users while maintaining the personal touch they value. Our intuitive dashboards and data visualization features help users identify key trends and patterns, enhancing decision-making and strategic planning. An example of this is using data to set Criteria. This approach allows users to extract valuable insights from their assessment data while preserving the human expertise and precision of our users.
Communication: ChatGPT assists us in drafting clear and engaging communications, from emails and LinkedIn posts to internal memos. This ensures our messaging is always consistent and professional.
Coding: Our developers leverage GitHub Copilot, using AI to write cleaner, more efficient code. This pairing accelerates development and enhances the robustness of our systems.